More than a decade ago around 1,000 protestors were arrested trying to save the area from logging, with about 10,000 people helping to blockade logging operations.

The protestors withdrew when an agreement to stop logging and protect the area on Vancouver Island, designated as a Biosphere Reserve by the United Nations, was reached in 1999.

However, new plans to recommence logging operations have just been announced – prompting Greenpeace to call on the international timber market to make it clear it does not want to buy products from such controversial sources.

“We’ll make sure they know about any moves to chainsaw the forests of Clayoquot,” said Pat Venditti, head of Greenpeace’s forest campaign.

“We agreed to end the blockades and halt pressure on the logging companies in exchange for promises that the pristine valleys of Clayoquot would never be logged. However, it’s clear that this promise has been broken.”