Timber frame manufacturer Dr Michael Benfield has launched a scathing attack on the government for failing to release enough land for building in order to help the industry meet a chronic need for new housing.

Speaking to TTJ, Dr Benfield said timber frame technology was available to build the affordable and aspirational houses required.

Dr Benfield, managing director of Caldicot-based Benfield ATT, added: “The issue for government is to stop pratting about and provide the land for us to build on. I lay it down as a challenge to the prime minister and John Prescott that they do something about land provision. They have been incompetent.

“By forcing people to have match-box style mass-produced housing on smaller and smaller sites they are creating the slums of the future.”

&#8220By forcing people to have match-box style mass-produced housing on smaller and smaller sites they are creating the slums of the future”

Dr Michael Benfield, managing director of Benfield ATT

Dr Benfield said he did not hold out much hope for Kate Barker’s recent housing supply report, saying she was a conventional economist who had not grasped the fundamental nature of housing and planning.

Ms Barker, of the Bank of England‘s Monetary Policy Committee, who carried out the major government housing review entitled “Securing our Future Housing Needs”, concluded that Britain needs to build up to 140,000 extra new homes a year if housing supply is to match demand.

Her findings were applauded by the UK Timber Frame Association, the British Woodworking Federation and the Construction Products Association which all saw the review as being good news for timber frame construction.