The Sutherland, Scotland-based company has invested more than £100,000 in the 5,500 gallon vessel, which handles more than 440ft3 of timber in each three-and-a-half hour treatment session. This boosts the company’s current output of 70,630ft3 of timber product and widens its product range.

The new treatment vessel is fully automated, having a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based system which controls the pumps and pneumatically actuated valves. A Wi-Fi enabled desk top computer interface enables operators to start, stop and monitor the process. It also enable remote access for system upgrades. GMG Energy owns the intellectual property for the whole system.

“Until now, local concerns which needed this type of timber product have had to order from suppliers who, in some cases, were hundreds of miles away,” said Malcolm Morrison, director of GMG Energy.