The increases, from the present €4/m3 in some cases to €50 over two years, leave the Finnish industry only a limited time to adjust, the federation said. “Each year about 10-15 million m3 of sustainable felling opportunities remain unused. Availability of Finnish timber must be improved.”
Finland processes 60 million m3 of timber each year against annual growth of 100 million m3. However, Russia’s income from roundwood exports to Finland amounts to €500m.
The federation said: “The Finnish ministry of agriculture and forestry’s review of the sector’s future set the target to increase the current forest growth. The current situation emphasises these measures and the authorities need to initiate immediate action.
“The profitability of forestry is in need of a boost that would make it a more attractive occupation. In addition forest owners need to be encouraged to [practice] sustainable forest management as well as to increase investments in long-term forestry measures.”