UPM president and chief executive officer Jussi Pesonen has been elected chairman of the board of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation for 2008

Kari Jordan, president and CEO of Metsäliitto Group, and Aulis Ansaharju, senior vice-president graphic papers of Stora Enso Corp, were elected as deputy chairmen.

The elected executive committee members are Matti Hilli, managing director of Vapo Oy; Esa Karru, managing director of Peterson Packaging Oy; Juha Kuusisto, managing director of Veljet Kuusisto Oy; Sverre Norrgård, president and CEO of Myllykoski Oyj; and Sari Rämö, managing director of SCA Packaging Finland Oy. Mr Hilli is a new member on the executive committee.

New to the FFIF board, which has 32 members, are Aulis Ansaharju, senior vice-president of SVP Graphic Papers of Stora Enso Oyj; Kari Kalliala, managing director of Loparex Oy; Jouni Kostama, vice-managing director of Sunila Oy; Juha Koukka, CEO of Savon Sellu Oy; and Pertti Lehti, president and CEO of Finndomo Oy.