Indonesia has been urged to develop and enlarge its sustainable forest management efforts by European Timber Trade Association (FEBO) president Joerg Reimer.

Mr Reimer made his plea during a meeting in Zurich with high-ranking officials of Indonesia’s department of forestry.

He said sustainable forest management was very important for maintaining the tropical wood market in Europe and worldwide.

Mr Reimer emphasised the importance of choosing and establishing a certification system which is independent and follows internationally-recognised criteria.

The FEBO president also outlined the association’s aims and its position on illegal logging.

The meeting was organised by sustainable development foundation PanEco in order to discuss the possibilities of sustainable forestry, especially the Forest Stewardship Council‘s certification system, in Indonesia and Switzerland.

Meanwhile, FEBO members the Swiss Veneer Association and the Swiss Association of Wood-based Panels Trade have adopted FEBO’s environmental code of conduct and issued a statement condemning illegal logging and related trade.