The EU Trade Commission is expecting Russia to propose a compromise deal over its rise in roundwood export duties, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Paavo Väyrynen, Finland’s minister for foreign trade and development, met EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson in Brussels on Monday to discuss the issue of Russia’s roundwood export duties.

And according to the ministry, Mr Mandelson indicated that he “took a positive view of Finland’s active role in the matter” and that “the Commission expects Russia to propose a compromise in the very near future”.

The increase in roundwood export duties is a key issue in Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organisation, the ministry added.

Mr Väyrynen also met with Russia’s minister for economic development and trade, Elvira Nabiullina, in Helsinki on November 15 to discuss economic co-operation between the two countries, with wood tariffs central to the discussions.

“The goal is to find a solution that benefits both parties,” said Ms Nabiullina.

Further talks between Russia and Finland on the issue of wood export duties are set to take place on November 27 when Finnish prime minister Matti Vanhanen visits his Russian counterpart, Viktor Zubkov, in Moscow.