"They were interested not only in the Awards – and we launched the 2013 call for entries on the first day – but also in timber species and wood products generally," said Wood Awards organiser Lucy Kamall.

Backed by, among others, the American Hardwood Export Council, the Carpenters’ Company, TRADA, Wood for Good and now TTJ too, the Wood Awards last year attracted over 360 entries. All 30 shortlisters were featured on the stand, with special focus on the Gold Award winner, David Morley Architects’ Hurlingham Club Pavilion. It was also highlighted that the latter will be the venue for the first of a new series of Wood Awards Tours, organised, by TRADA on March 27.

At an otherwise positive Ecobuild, however, Ms Kamall raised a theme brought up by a number of timber and timber products exhibitors about its perceived shifting focus.

"Some exhibitors led with corporate slogans rather than their sustainability and environmental credentials and benefits," she said. "Visitors we spoke to were there for the ‘eco’ in Ecobuild, not just the ‘build’."