TRADA Technology has added further dates for its one-day introductory workshop on Eurocode 5, the new rulebook for UK structural engineers due to take effect next year.

EC5 will come into force when co-existence with BS 5268 ends on March 31. The workshop involves practical worked examples to give a better understanding of the new standard.

The most significant change for timber design is the adoption in EC5 of the limit state design philosophy. “This ensures that the same basis of design is used for all materials,” said TRADA Technology senior structural engineer Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe.

The workshops will take place at TRADA’s High Wycombe headquarters on September 29 and November 25, and February 9 and March 9 next year.

Cost is £199 + VAT for TRADA members and £259 + VAT for non-members.