Mr Donaldson told the audience of more than 300 at the Hull event that rising prices, the UK’s relatively stable economic outlook and growing interest in timber frame construction meant that timber business was “generally good”.

“But shippers’ and suppliers’ enthusiasm for increasing prices needs to be tinged with a reality check,” he said. “We cannot risk becoming uncompetitive.”

In particular, he added, healthy demand for timber frame could be threatened by price inflation. “Other [construction] materials are nipping at our heels and we must be sure we don’t kill the goose laying precious golden eggs.”

Mr Donaldson also renewed his plea for TTF members to sign up to its Responsible Purchasing Policy environmental sourcing initiative, especially in the light of the government’s decision to “ratchet up” procurement criteria, so that from 2009 it will only buy certified “legal and sustainable” timber, or material from a sourcing partner in the Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade scheme.

He said the TTF target was to double the RPP signatory total to 80 in a year. “It’s a tough ask, but achievable,” he said. “The RPP is not expensive or onerous and the TTF team will help you achieve the goal.”

NETTA president Pat Burke also called on members to get involved in their regional association’s activities.

“We’re not a talking shop, we’re a vibrant association and our aim is grow the use of wood and wood products,” he said.