Canadian timber frame home manufacturer Demtec Inc has embarked on a residential project in Kokura, Japan.

The unveiling of a demonstration home in the city was attended by representatives of Demtec, its Japanese distributor Yamatsugi, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), and members of the Canadian Consulate.

The house is the first of 20 Demtec homes to be built on the site, owned by Japan’s largest transport firm Nishitetsu Railway Co. Five other builders will also construct homes at the location.

Demtec, which has been active in the country for several years, has trained distributor Yamatsugi to assemble its panellised housing system and launched an advertising campaign.

CMHC reports growing acceptance of Canadian-style timber frame technology in Japan, where more than 50% of the one million new homes built annually are of wood construction.