The Centre for Timber Engineering at Edinburgh Napier University is to hold a one-day conference on “Cross-laminated timber: architecture, engineering and construction opportunities”.

The conference, which will be held at the headquarters of Edinburgh’s Royal College of Physicians on April 24 aims to clarify the term “cross-laminated timber” (CLT), how it is manufactured and what the architectural and engineering design benefits of using it are.

Topics to be covered include CLT’s acoustic properties, airtightness, assembly and installation, building regulations and standards, connections, detailing, durability, fire resistance, thermal properties, strength and stiffness. Speakers from companies manufacturing CLT, and architectural practices and structural engineers which use it will include Liam Dewar, from Eurban Ltd; Frank Werling, from Finnforest; Karl Heinz Weiss, from KLH UK; Roddy Langmuir, from Edward Cullinan Architects, Craig White from White Design; and Alex de Rijke, from dRMM Architects.

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