The Confederation of Forest Industries (UK) Ltd (ConFor) is now up and running with an interim board in place.

There are currently two members – the Forestry & Timber Association (FTA) and UK Forest Products Association which jointly own the venture – but other trade associations are expected to come on board shortly.

The Forest Industries Development Council will cease operations on September 30 and its operations will be transferred to ConFor, operating from FTA’s ofices in Edinburgh.

ConFor’s interim board is headed up by chairman Tom Bruce-Jones and its principal tasks will be to establish formal governance and management structures and ensure necessary funding is in place.

&#8220A focused and co-ordinated approach by all of industry is essential if governments and society are to appreciate how forests and an efficient processing industry can contribute to economic, social and environmental policies”

ConFor chairman Tom Bruce-Jones

Funding will come from a combination of levy on timber transactions and subscriptions.

Mr Bruce-Jones said: “A focused and co-ordinated approach by all of industry is essential if governments and society in general are to appreciate how the many functions of forests and woodlands and an efficient processing industry can contribute to economic, social and environmental policies.”