Growing and managing broadleaved trees and using hardwood timber in Ireland will be the focus of a two-day conference in April hosted by COFORD.

The event, the second in a series, is a response to an increasing trend towards planting broadleaved species, with an estimated 20,000ha planted within Ireland in the past 12 years. Traditionally, Irish hardwoods have been used in lower value end uses but are seen as having potential in more lucrative markets.

Broadleaves require more intensive management than conifers but practical expertise is not very extensive. COFORD recently established its BroadForm programme to determine a regime to produce the best quality hardwood, as well as shaping, tending and thinning.

The April 10-11 event at Kilkenny will have contributions from COFORD, the Irish Forest Service, Teagasc, Coillte and others.