The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) is backing a research project designed to identify the skills and training requirements for a successful 2012 London Olympics.

The research, commissioned by the London Development Agency and the Learning Skills Council, aims to analyse the skills and training needs for the building of the Olympic Park and Legacy development in East London, and to stage the Games itself.

Michael Brown, CIOB deputy chief executive, said 7,000 construction workers were needed to realise the Olympic vision, compared to 10,000 at the Sydney Games and 20,000 currently working on the next event in Beijing.

Mr Brown said: “London must demonstrate higher productivity levels than both Sydney and Beijing through increased off-site production and the development of new skills.

“This kind of skills audit is exactly what we need to deliver the project on time and on budget. The CIOB urges all construction bodies in the UK to get involved.”

Research will involve looking at skills needed for previous Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games.