Champion Timber is opening a specially designed, landscape-friendly new branch in Chessington, Surrey in April,

The company says that the outlet, its eighth, will “plug the geographical gap” between its New Malden and Dorking sites.

Champion previously ran a fencing and shed operation at the site, but it has not been trading for the past two years.

&#8220The building itself also promotes our product. We sell timber so what better way to advertise the fact than with timber cladding and windows”

Champion’s Chessington branch manager Peter Staynes

A 620m2 unit to house timber storage, a shop and small mill to provide a timber and panel cut-to-size service for call-in customers have been built.

The new £780,000 building has been designed to blend in with the area, which is largely residential.

“We have been very sensitive with the design. There are houses opposite and we didn’t want it to be a kick in the teeth for local residents,” said new branch manager Peter Staynes. “The building itself also promotes our product. We sell timber so what better way to advertise the fact than with timber cladding and windows.”