A commitment to turning CEI-Bois into the voice of the European woodworking sector was voiced by its re-elected president, Bo Borgström, at the organisation’s general assembly in November.
He wants to see increased co-operation between the branch federations and said CEI-Bois should develop the sector at a European level to realise the vision of making timber the leading material by 2010.
Mr Borgström said the vision includes two strategic areas – wood products in structural uses and living with wood.
To achieve the goal, he said, the woodworking industries must integrate their activities and message and convince European authorities to support the sector which contributes to a better environment and economic well-being.
The European woodworking industries accounted for a total turnover of €163bn in 2000, compared to the textile industry at €200bn, the pulp and paper industry at €76bn and glass at €31bn.
At the general assembly new statutes to streamline the organisation were adopted including a reduction in the number of decision-making bodies.