The Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) is sponsoring a session at TRADA’s In Touch with Timber conference, which is being held at Timber Expo in September.

The session, “Inspiration from abroad”, will also feature Gary C Williams, president of Timber Systems Ltd in Ontario, on the panel of overseas speakers. Established in 1980, Timber Systems has expertise in timber structures in the non-residential sector.

The CCFM was created in 1985 to provide a forum for the federal, provincial and territorial governments responsible for forests to address major areas of common interest. It provides leadership on national and international issues and sets direction for the stewardship and sustainable management of Canada’s forests.

The session, chaired by Simon Smith of Ramboll UK, takes place on September 28 from 1.30-4.30pm, and will look at what the UK can learn from mature overseas markets. Also on the panel are Henning Kaland, from Code Architects, Norway; Daniel Strombro, from Strombro Building Workshop in Sweden; and Harald Proffessner, from CREE / Rhomberg in Austria.

To book a place go to Fees start from £80.

Timber Expo takes place at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry on September 27-28.