The results of the first strategic review of the British Woodworking Federation‘s Timber Window Accreditation Scheme are due to be published.

Findings include a desire by members to see more rigorous policing of the scheme, a commitment of more resources to market research, and a reduction of the initial cost of entry to encourage technically qualified, smaller companies to apply for membership.

The review, the first since the scheme was launched seven years ago, was based on three main criteria – technical, marketing and operational. Scheme members were interviewed and encouraged to highlight problems and put forward ideas.

Scheme product manager Adam Frankling said: “Although what has been achieved since 1996 has been exceptional, we are also well aware that more can always be done, hence this strategic review.

“In taking it on, we have been forced to look in-depth at where we are now, what changes need to be made and what we should do to maintain the dynamism of the last few years, so that we can increase the strength of our case and counter the competition that is lined up against us.”