The BWF had originally set a target of 100 new members for 2013, which it had exceeded seven months into the year. A 28% growth was recorded for the full year, and BWF membership director Michael Lee reported 10 new manufacturing members and three associate members joining since January 1 this year.

Total membership now stands at more than 600 companies – the highest level since 2000.

"The number of membership enquiries we received last year was more than 360," said Mr Lee. "To get 157 is quite a good conversion rate."

He said implementation of mandatory CE Marking for most external windows and doorsets in July last year had proved a big factor in recruitment, with companies wanting BWF help on negotiating the legislation and generating the required U-values for their products.

The higher profile taken by the Health and Safety Executive in its inspections regime was another factor.

Like any membership organisation, the BWF lost several members, with 20 ceasing trading in 2013 for a variety of reasons.