British Woodworking Federation chief executive Richard Lambert has given a mixed welcome to the Queen’s Speech.

Mr Lambert flagged up the Energy Bill and Decentralisation and Localism Bill, which gives more power to councils, as well as giving residents the power to instigate referendums and veto excessive council tax increases.

He said local authorities may be rewarded for how much housing they could generate.

“If that happens and local authorities are incentivised for building new houses that could be very successful. But it could become a Nimby’s charter.”

The one big blow to the joinery industry, he added, was Building Schools for the Future being cut. “This could potentially have a serious effect on the joinery industry. Public spending on schools and hospitals has really boosted the industry in the last 18 months.”

“The Energy Bill promoting energy efficient measures in the home could be of benefit to the timber window industry,” said Mr Lambert.

But, he added, further clarification was needed as to whether windows would be included in addition to a green deal charging system, which features incentives to suppliers and households to save energy.