In what is thought to be the first operation of its kind undertaken by the British Army, the Green Howards are to fly out to Bosnia to tackle illegal forestry.

BSW Timber‘s sawmill in Newbridge-on-Wye formed a vital part of the training exercise to prepare the soldiers for the task.

Around 50 armed commandos mounted a dawn raid on the site. The company planted bogus paperwork on its employees, and drivers were briefed to be unco-operative and evasive when pulled into the mock vehicle checkpoints.

RAF Puma helicopters launched a low range reconnaissance of the mill’s plant operations, and soldiers checked for arms and stowaways on BSW haulage vehicles.

Timber is Bosnia’s largest natural resource, but more than 80% of logging is illegal, with the majority of income being used for organised crime.

The Green Howards are due to fly out to Bosnia on March 21 for a six-month campaign where tasks will include tackling illegal logging and the crime that supports it.

Major Peter Howell said: “Our anti-illegal logging exercise in Bosnia is an intelligence-led operation in conjunction with Bosnian local authorities.

“This is the first time our soldiers have been involved in an illegal logging exercise, so it was vital that we provided them with the new skills and training needed.

“Our aim was to recreate what we will be experiencing when we are out in Bosnia and BSW Timber has been an invaluable support, while heavy rain and snow on the training exercises made the experience all the more realistic. Now, thanks to BSW Timber, our soldiers have hands-on experience of carrying out anti-illegal logging activities.”