Kevin Fenlon of RGB and Nikki Mortimer of GPH Builders Merchants replace two resigning directors, Allan Bartlett of Keith Builders Merchants and Neil Lawrence of Gibbs & Dandy.

Mr Fenlon has been chief executive of RGB for the past 14 years and is the current trading director of Fortis Heavyside. He was also actively involved with the BMF Young Merchant group for many years.

Ms Mortimer has been a board director at GPH Builders Merchants since 2007 and the company’s sales and marketing director for the last three years. She is a BMF Scottish regional past chair and is an NBG category management team member.

Under the BMF rules, board directors serve for an initial period of three years. Two directors stood for re-election this year – Stewart Pierce of Parker Building Supplies and Stephen Thompstone of Buildbase – and both were unanimously re-elected. Mr Pierece will continue in his role as BMF deputy chairman.

The board also appointed two additional non-voting advisers to strengthen the advice available to it on merchant and supplier issues. Neil Lawrence, managing director of Gibbs & Dandy, and Charles Ledigo, chairman of Reisser Ltd, have been appointed as merchant and supplier advisers respectively.