Timber companies are to be offered a comprehensive insight into the biomass market with the Wood Energy Conference at next month’s European Biofuels Expo & Conference in Nottingham.

Held in conjunction with the National Energy Federation, the conference on October 16 will include speakers from across Europe addressing the use of sustanable materials, quality standards, pellet manufacturing and implementing wood-based heating systems.

The wider European Biofuels Expo & Conference, held on October 15-16, will feature more than 100 exhibitors and two further conference themes addressing biofuels and biogas.

Workshops will also take place every 30 minutes during the two-day event, covering technical information on products, regulations, taxes and services.

“Millions of households, companies and community buildings cross Europe have made wood energy their primary source of heat,” said the conference’s organiser Biofuels Media Ltd.

“The UK is set to adopt more widespread use of wood pellets and by looking at the European experience the UK can benefit from years of growth in this market.”

To register for the conference, visit www.biofuels-expo.com.