Average British round timber prices recorded on Beacon Forestry’s electronic auction and tender service rose in 2003 for the first time in eight years.

Prices jumped 7.7% to £12.10/m3, stopping a slide from £25.57/m3 in 1995 to a lowly £11.23/m3 last year.

Peebles-based Beacon, which achieved a success rate of 91% in 2003 selling 329,000m3, said the increase should give some encouragement to timber growers and independent managers.

Managing partner Mike Bentley said: “It is good news and I hope we continue to see a revival during 2004. After eight years of declining prices, timber producers are entirely justified in expecting a share of the improved trading conditions being experienced in the sawmilling and processing sectors.”

Mr Bentley credited the growth on the 10% weakening of the pound against the Swedish krona, which helped to push sawn timber prices up. He also said strong demand for fencing and construction grades led to increased competition for open market sales.