Investment to improve conditions for staff and customers is under way at Atkinson and Kirby Ltd’s Ormskirk site.

Sales and marketing director David Ellams said the improvements, costing in excess of £50,000, are being made to help keep up with the “dramatic increase” in sales of solid hardwood strip flooring.

The improvements include a new computer system, site drainage and shutter doors on the re-saw shed.

More investment is planned to further increase production in response to a continued upturn in the trade.

Mr Ellams said: “We are working terribly hard to keep some of the foreign imports out and have upped production, although we are still within our production capabilities.

“We have changed the working shift and introduced overtime at the beginning and end of the day and are producing in excess of 800m a day.”

Mr Ellams said: “We have increased production by more than 50% in the past three years which is no mean achievement.”

Atkinson Marketing Ltd and its subsidiary companies Atkinson & Kirby and Art Mouldings (Sales) Ltd was bought by Richard Burbidge Ltd last year.