International forestry consultant Russell Taylor will be a guest speaker at the International Wood Products Association‘s (IWPA) 47th annual convention, World of Wood 2003 in March.

Mr Taylor, who is publisher and president of International Wood Markets Research, Inc/RE Taylor & Associates, will speak about “The Market – Business Challenges and Opportunities”.

He will give an overview of the North American market for imported wood and wood products and his presentation will include market trends and opportunities for importers and an update on trends related to market expectations of product sourcing.

After his presentation Mr Taylor will take a session of panelists representing various markets for woods. Representatives from the construction buyers’ groups, plywood, retail and furniture sector markets are expected to participate.

Around 300 delegates and guests are expected to attend the World of Wood 2003 on March 26-28 at the Omni Royal Orleans, New Orleans. For further information visit