TFS is a leading processor of coated and laminated wood based panel products in the UK, with operations in Warrington, along with Cowie, Scotland. The company has approximately 50 employees.
The acquisition of TFS marks Arclin’s entrance into the panel laminating and spray coating capabilities, in addition to other assets key to providing finished products.
“The acquisition of TFS is a key part of our strategy to expand our presence internationally into new regions while also diversifying our product offerings into markets that are related to our core surfacing competencies,” said Matt Pogue, Arclin’s president of engineered building solutions.
“TFS provides new products and capabilities to Arclin, both in Europe and in North America, thereby supporting and strengthening Arclin’s objective of getting closer to the end consumer while being a key partner in executing Arclin’s growth and innovation initiatives.”
“TFS celebrated its 25 year anniversary earlier this year and this acquisition marks a transformative moment for the future of the company, unlocking unprecedented resources and growth potential for existing and potential business partners whilst allowing us to sell new products into our current markets, along with cross-selling into new overseas markets,” said TFS managing director Howard Morris.
Following the acquisition, TFS will continue to trade under its existing brand name, and operations continue unaffected.
Headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia, Arclin has offices and manufacturing facilities throughout the US and Canada and manufactures for customers worldwide.