Ainsworth Lumber Co Ltd is to close its remaining OSB mills in Minnesota permanently, ending its production of the engineered board in the state.

The Cook and Bemidji mills are to be closed following a review of their long-term competitiveness. They had production capacities of 450 million ft² and 350 million ft² respectively.

There had been no production at the Cook site since January 2008, while operations at the Bemidji mill were curtailed in October 2008.

Ainsworth’s third OSB mill in Minnesota, at Grand Rapids, was permanently closed in August 2008, having sat dormant for almost two years.

“Market conditions since the third quarter of 2008, and the outlook especially for the US housing sector, do not warrant making the additional investments that would be required to make the two mills economically viable,” said Ainsworth president and CEO Rick Huff.