The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) has welcomed the efforts of 106 Congress members to save forest products jobs by expressing their concerns over the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Boiler Maximum Achieveable Control Technology (MACT) rule.

Boiler MACT sets emission limits for air pollutants from industrial boilers and process heaters used by a wide range of manufacturers, including forest products mills.

In a letter to the EPA, Congress members said: “As our nation struggles to recover from the current recession, we are deeply concerned that the potential impact of pending Clean Air regulations could be unsustainable for US manufacturing.”

“AF&PA fully supports efforts aimed at protecting the environment and public health,” said AF&PA president and CEO Donna Harman. “Yet by mandating billions of dollars in upfront investments where they may not be needed – and at a time when our economy continues to struggle – the EPA’s current approach will cause huge job losses within the forest products industry and many others.”