More than 500 timber and wood products manufacturers in London are being offered a new support service by the London Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS).

MAS, funded by the London Development Agency and supported by the DTI, is designed to make manufacturers think more strategically to keep pace with global competition.

MAS’s new service, including the Strategy for Success programme, provides a broader base of support and now includes help to stengthen longer term competitiveness, sustainability and growth.

&#8220We want to turn manufacturing trends on their head”

David Crowfoot, head of operations, London MAS

Manufacturers taking part will be given a free assessment and evaluation of all aspects of their business and provided with a strategic plan with prioritised actions for long-term sustainability and growth.

David Crowfoot, London MAS’s head of operations, said: “We want to turn manufacturing trends on their head. London’s 500-strong wood and wood products trade may not be able to compete on price, but they can offer quality, service and anticipate and meet demand.”