The Plywood Club of London celebrates 60 years as a trade club.
The objectives of the club remain the same today as they were in 1952.
Firstly, we are a forum for trade companies to showcase new products or give trade members updates of manufacturing, distribution and logistical developments. The Plywood Club of London, it could be argued, has outgrown the title. The club would have been one of the first places where all manner of engineered wood panel products, such as MDF and OSB, would have been first displayed and discussed. The trade in plywood has also changed dramatically in this time and the club has had many discussions on the different origins in both hardwood and softwood plywood and the differing quality standards resulting from these changes.
The many changes in product development, such as CE marking and sustainability, have also proved that the club is an ideal and important forum for all levels of the trade to learn the finer details of these issues. The new EU Timber Regulation has been the topic of conversation over recent months and it has helped all concerned parties understand the philosophies and mechanics of this trade-changing development.
Secondly, the club provides a social environment for trade members at all levels of business to meet and build stronger relationships; this, I feel, is the backbone of a trading industry such as ours. We have always welcomed attendees from all parts of the country and I stress, as always, that the success of this aspect of the club is dependent on the participation of the members.
Thirdly, the Plywood Club supports many charities. Funds are raised at our annual dinner and in this, our 60th anniversary year, we are looking forward to raising more funds which we know are a huge and direct benefit to many people.
It has been an honour for me to be the chairman and I am content that this healthy club will grow to meet the challenges of the next 60 years.
For further information email the club at or visit facebook: The Plywood Club of London.
? Industry Update is a forum for trade bodies to address key issues.