Organisers of the Xylexpo New woodworking technology fair say they have already sold more space for the show than the final total recorded at the last event in 2006.

Paolo Griggio, vice-president of ACIMALL (Italian woodworking machinery and tools manufacturers’ association), told a press conference in Milan attended by TTJ that 73,000m² of exhibition space for the May 27-31 event had already been booked by 725 exhibitors.

Acimall expects the final total to be about 75,000-78,000m², with Italian companies so far taking up about 60% of stand space.

Mr Griggio said a “huge international promotional campaign” was being waged to make the show a success. Fellow Acimall vice-president Grazia Finocchiaro said the promotional budget extended to about €1.5m, with the latest advertising to appear within in-flight magazines on major airlines.

Acimall president Ambrogio Dellachi said this year’s Xylexpo would see the greatest changes in the show’s 40-year history. The main change will revolve around a widening of the exhibitor base to include a larger focus on semi-finished materials and supplies for the furniture industry.

Mr Delachi confessed that it was regrettable that organisers of the Sasmil show, usually run in tandem with Xylexpo, had elected to detach the event and hold it separately earlier in February. He said Sasmil had not been very successful, but the door was open to re-establish the relationship with Xylexpo New in the future.

Wood structures and construction will be one of the “hot topics” receiving special focus at Xylexpo New, which takes place at Milan’s Rho Fairgrounds.