A new industry training award with a £30,000 prize will be launched by the Woodworking Machinery Suppliers Association (WMSA) in Northampton on June 21.

The WMSA Cutting Edge Award for Wood Machine Training aims to encourage new entrants into the industry to take up training in the safe and proper use of woodworking machinery via established training centres.

A large number of colleges have been invited to enter and the prize – to be presented in September 2002 – will go to the one deemed to have achieved most in terms of both success rate and investment in woodworking machine shop facilities during the year commencing July 1. The performance of the college over the past three years will also be taken into account.

The award follows the publication of the results of a major research project into training for users of woodworking machinery conducted by the Health and Safety Executive. The report stated ‘there is a demanding challenge for improvement [in training] as it shows a grim state of affairs across all woodworking industries’.