Weinig has further expanded its product portfolio by buying German solid wood ripping machinery specialist Interholz Raimann.

The company said that the Freiburg-based Raimann range of equipment, which sells worldwide, is a good fit with its own solid wood processing machines.

‘In a manufacturing plant the Raimann ripping systems would be used prior to equipment from other companies in the Weinig Group,’ said a spokesperson.

Weinig would not say how much it paid for the business, but disclosed that Raimann’s sales last year topped DM30m, 70% of which were accounted for by exports.

The company said that the acquisition strengthened its reputation as a ‘supplier which is capable of offering everything from one source and it anticipated Raimann’s turnover would be boosted by the 700-strong worldwide Weinig sales force.

The 100-strong Raimann staff and management team will remain in their Freiburg site.

Weinig has also released preliminary results for 2000, showing turnover up 12% to more than DM600m.