Imagine for a moment that your income is only £79.60 per week. That’s how much the basic state pension provides for a single person. If you qualify for pension credit then the figure rises to £105.45. If you are lucky you have a small pension from your job in the timber trade this helps, but the state take some of that off your pension credit so you still get not much more than £105.45.

Many of our beneficiaries have no works pension at all. Imagine trying to feed, clothe and house yourself on this each week.

That’s just £15.06 per day and every day you wonder how much the electricity, gas or telephone bills will be next time. The TV licence is due next month and where will you find the £121 for that, it’s more than a whole week’s income. When you reach 75 it will be free but until then you will have to find the money somehow – but where? You dipped into your savings last month when the washing machine broke down and now there’s not a great deal left. You worry about having enough to pay for your funeral. What can you do?

This is where the TTBS can help; each year we assist hundreds of ex-timber trades employees with their TV licences and telephone rentals, with regular cash payments, with hampers in the spring and at Christmas and a cash payment of £100 at Christmas. We also pay one-off grants towards replacement fridges, washing machines, TVs, furniture and bedding.

In addition we help towards the cost of electric wheelchairs, stair lifts, bath hoists and other specialist equipment for the disabled, which the state is unable or unwilling to supply.

All this costs a great deal and to do it we need the help of the timber trade today. This appeal is asking individuals to subscribe £50 per year – that’s less than £1 per week. Of course, we would welcome larger contributions if you can but please, please help. We can only provide assistance to our beneficiaries with the help of today’s timber trade. If your contribution can be linked to a Gift Aid Declaration then the chancellor will increase its value to TTBS by 28% at no cost to you. This is your opportunity to get the government to contribute some of your tax money to help others.

Please help by sending a donation to TTBS at 31 Chelthorn Way, Solihull B91 3FW. Alternatively you can donate on line via