We were delighted to see further coverage given to the important subject of education, training and skills development in your special news report All aboard appeal for training revolution (TTJ March 6/13).

Those of us who have been involved in the latest initiative by the timber industry to revitalise training and skills in the sector certainly feel that we have got off to a very good start with Proskills.

Just in case any of your readers feel that this has been an easy task, I can assure them that it has been hard work to get this far and there needs to be an appreciation throughout the industry that a new stage in our ‘journey’ has only just begun. Proskills will undoubtedly do a good job for our sector, but it is essential that it has the support of employers, indeed the government expects all Sector Skills Councils, including Proskills, to be employer led.

It worried me somewhat that some readers might be led to believe that all that is required to address our needs is to pay £20,000 to Proskills. Firstly, the dowry has been paid by a consortium of organisations, and secondly, if the venture is to succeed there must be continued investment in people’s time and efforts (much of which has already been given to get this far) to ensure that together with Proskills, the industry is able to deliver what its employers need.

I do hope it will be possible for TTJ to play its part in maintaining the profile of this important topic amongst the entire timber industry.

David Sulman

Executive director

UK Forest Products Association