Until recently future gazers envisaged renewable materials used in high-rise as the stuff of fantasy. Yet in the past six years the possibilities of wood being applied to high-rise have been emerging as a practical option. This imaginative leap connecting the planet’s oldest natural material, wood, and its potential application to high-rise has kick-started an excited, growing network around the world.

Joining the dots, after all, and making the material connection isn’t exactly rocket science. It is, however, timber engineering science. It’s in this branch of the engineering sciences, married to turn-of-the-millennium developments in engineered timber, particularly cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels (often termed massive wood), that a quiet revolution has been under way for the past six years.

The various technical challenges presented by fire risk, acoustics and insulation have benefited from research and are increasingly addressed. Across different forested parts of the planet that embrace Atlantic Norway and Pacific Vancouver, Canada, western Austria, Australia and New Zealand, a race has been gathering pace to build the world’s tallest timber building.

It was this race that took me to Dornbirn, the largest town in Austria’s most western state of Vorarlberg, to climb the stairs of the Life Cycle Tower One (LCT One), the latest stage in this unfolding 21st century engineering and architecture drama. The building is still very much an open shell, the staircase winding round the concrete core lift shaft, while adjoining the core are eight floors of a structural timber-concrete hybrid building system.

Designed by the respected Vorarlberg timber architect, Hermann Kaufmann, LCT One uses a new hybrid building system for its timber storeys, spanning open-plan office rooms and bringing, the promotional material states, a 90% carbon footprint reduction. All the floors went up in the preceding two weeks, with the 2.7m-high hybrid sections being craned into position.

Looking out at the Dornbirn suburbs from on-high isn’t quite the experience you might get from Dubai’s Burj Khalifa or London’s Shard, but these are early days. First generation tall timbers – a phrase which encompasses longer, tall-timber blocks – are around eight to nine storeys, conventionally mid-rise or ‘small’ tall towers. This said, LCT One’s research has demonstrated that 30- storey timber towers are technically feasible. Mr Kaufmann, a self-effacing and tireless promoter of the potential of 21st century timber, acknowledges that LCT One is a first step to higher things, particularly through prefabrication: "Prefabricated timber building systems can be used in different building applications. They have wider, new consequences; they can be faster, and easier, to work with on construction sites. But this is craft rather than industrial prefabrication, even if it’s increasingly industrialised."

Mr Kaufmann anticipates that the next buildings will quickly adapt to becoming fully structural timber ones. It’s a point echoed by one of the developers, Rhomberg, which states that its founder, Hubert Rhomberg, is obsessed with building the first 100m-high timber tower.

"There’s continuous discussion about how high we can go," said Johan Vessby, who teaches in one of the engineering departments pushing the boundaries of this research at Linneaus University in Vaxjo, Sweden. "Everyone’s looking for the limits, of course."

Last year a research team led by Simon Smith, director of building and design at Ramboll UK, presented a paper on 70-storey timber towers. "At present there’s absolutely no reason why you couldn’t go to 30-35 storeys," he said.

Technical limits
Above these heights, the technical limits of cross-laminated timber begin to become evident, namely its liability to be crushed by the sheer weight of the building and other forces. It’s a problem to solve, Mr Smith said later, adding that while he acknowledges much of the research was speculative, the focus was on how the wood’s grain could be chemically modified: "We were looking at switching the grain around."

"Twenty-five to 35 storeys seems like the realms of reality," said Andrew Waugh, one half of London architecture practice Waugh Thistleton.

Mr Waugh has been at the receiving end of a blizzard of publicity and media attention over the past four years following completion of the Stadthaus, Waugh Thistleton’s eight-storey CLT building in Hackney.

Different European countries operate varying timber-regulation regimes and Britain’s legally-permitted nine-storey structures enabled Waugh Thistleton to persuade Hackney Borough Council to give the go-ahead for the nine-storey, mixed-housing tower block. Construction started in 2007 and the building opened in mid-2008; there’s some irony that the CLT system was conceived initially to reduce build time and costs. Using supplier KLH’s cross-laminated timber system, the Stadthaus is an all-engineered timber structural frame, saving 306 tonnes of carbon compared with a comparable steel and concrete tower, with 183 tonnes locked into the timber.

The Stadthaus has turned Andrew Waugh’s life from relative architectural normality – the practice hadn’t previously completed a building – to globe-trotting timber-towers ambassador, talking at architecture schools, to the UN Environment Programme in Rome and in earthquake-ravaged Christchurch in New Zealand.

Now four years on, he is about to move into one of the apartments in a new five-storey CLT block in nearby Whitmore Road. "Structurally it goes against everything we learned about cross-laminated timber at Murray Grove and since. We’re using the material as a cellular structure, so the walls take much more of the load-bearing." Although a five-storey building may seem like small beer, at this stage each new project provides an opportunity for valuable research.

Mr Waugh has also teamed up with Michael Green of MGB Architects in Vancouver to give joint lectures. In March the Canadian practice published a study, Tall Wood: the Case for Tall Wood Buildings, for the Canadian Wood Council. This includes MGB Architects’ own timber high-rise design with an open source licence for reuse and has generated much excitement in Canada and parts of the US.

Joining forces
Another UK practice researching and developing timber high-rise early on was dRMM, which in 2006 developed a design for a 13-storey PCT health centre plus housing and vertical gardens. When the project folded, dRMM joined forces with Norway’s young practice Helen & Hard in Stavanger, persuading a local developer to build a 16-storey timber high-rise there, followed by 18 months of research with Norway’s Treteknisk timber research centre. At a critical meeting in 2008, with the recession making experimental projects riskier, one of the developer’s six members voted the project down. "It was heart-breaking when we heard," recalled Helen & Hard’s Reinhard Knopf. Today the timber-concrete hybrid redesign remains modelled on a tree form.

dRMM’s Alex de Rijke has pointedly remarked how, despite these earliest designs being timber structures, you wouldn’t necessarily know they were exploring timber’s expressive potential. They echo 20th century concrete and steel forms, rather than lighting out for a 21st century timber aesthetic. Mr De Rijke is optimistic that this will change: "Inevitably people will be inventive, whether it’s timber or timber hybrids."

Recently appointed the dean of architecture at the Royal College of Arts, he also seems confident that Britain’s minimal timber engineering research base will change within a few years. As to dRMM itself, a 13-storey timber block in London’s Elephant & Castle is due on site next year.

Andrew Waugh appears equally confident that changes are afoot, noting that Hackney Borough Council could be the first in the UK to commit to a "wood first" policy which would express a preference for timber and wood products in planning guidelines.

So far London, with its small group of projects, is the exception among world cities. New projects are appearing across Europe, including in Munich, Berlin, Lyons and Vienna. The most unusual and exotic so far has been Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter’s Barenthus, a nine-storey culture and innovation centre designed for the Arctic Circle town of Kirkenes and looking out at the forbidding Barents Sea.

And in Melbourne, work has started on an apartment block which, when completed, will take the title of the world’s tallest timber building. The Forté project, developed by Lend Lease, uses European-manufactured CLT.

Everything, at the moment, points to tall timber as a growing trend. One Canadian commentator wrote of "a megabuzz about tall timber right now". That’s hyperbole, but there is definitely increasing interest, and increasing research.