At a time when we are apparently now only one quarter away from a ‘technical recession’, new housing starts are 25% down on the same time last year, housebuilders are declaring some alarming financial results and there is a general air of uncertainty about the economy and business in general, I find myself taking over the helm of Progressive Solutions – a company which specialises in providing software to the building materials industry.

Others in a similar position may have decided this was the time to side-step into a ‘recession proof’ industry – if such a thing exists – but I‘ve decided to stay put and weather the forthcoming storm. In fact, I’m rather relishing the challenge.

We all know that it’s during challenging times we have to strive to operate leaner and more efficient businesses ourselves. But we also need to help drive efficiencies down the line to our customers for the benefit of the wider market place; to support and engage with them, helping them streamline their processes and remove costs from their business as they face the unchartered and undoubtedly choppy waters ahead.

We’re all aware that the biggest challenge businesses face in the current climate is pressure on margin. Investing in software, or other new technologies, may help relieve this, but now demands more support from suppliers and greater scrutiny than ever.

A useful three step approach might be to: (a) identify business challenges; (b) apply fit for purpose technologies; (c) attain business benefits.

I realise we would all prefer growth to continue as in previous years but, faced with reality, what I’m relishing is working alongside companies who are positioning themselves to navigate successfully through and beyond the current conditions so that we are all better equipped for the future.