As the gates close on Sonae’s Knowsley chipboard factory, it is worth noting that the factors leading to the decision to cease operations stem in large part to the factory’s proximity to a large population centre rather than the state of the economy, hence drawing conclusions as to the state of the wider industry should be avoided.

Having said that, the economic squeeze is tightening, and this is likely to continue for many months. In these straitened times, associations have a duty to look at their own operations to make sure they run efficiently and, where appropriate, trim unnecessary costs. To this end, we and other signatories to the Timber Industry Accord recognise that pulling together on matters of shared interest has the potential to deliver better outcomes for all of our respective members.

Even though decisions in respect of tariff levels under the Renewable Obligation have been taken, the battle to defend wood for material use as opposed to energy continues (albeit not with the high visibility campaigns that we ran in 2010 and 2011). The threats have not gone away and over the next decade we can expect global demand for wood for energy to increase so we must continue to push for balance and to defend wood from those who are arguing that the better carbon outcome is to use it to displace fossil fuels.

The Industrial Emission’s Directive is introducing new challenges for large-scale industrial processors and volatile emission’s from products is an area where regulatory pressure is increasing, both in respect of occupational exposure and indoor air exposure. WPIF is closely engaged with European partners and national authorities to develop workable strategies to respond to these pressures.

There is a danger that the wood-using industries could be marginalised in the mind of government (and potentially the market) as other users and competitor materials/systems, which are being supported by substantial investment, push their agendas and become more prominent. There is no easy solution or single response to this, but it’s in all our interests to work together to put up a fight.