Due to the fact that some information disseminated about the recent storm-damage to Latvian forests has not been quite correct, the Latvian Timber Exporters’ Association would like to explain the current situation in the country’s forest industries.

According to the Latvian State Forest Service, the storm of January 8 and 9 left 7.2 million m3 of windthrown or damaged timber. Initial information indicates that the woodlands of the western region of Kurzeme (Kuldiga, Talsi and Tukums) have suffered most damage, with coniferous forest worst affected.

The State Stock Company Latvijas valsts mezi says that there is 1.6 million m3 of windthrown timber in the state forests, which account for around half of the country’s woodland resource.

Because of the extent of the damage a meeting was called on January 11 of the key stakeholders; the Ministry of Agriculture, Latvian Forest Industry Federation, State Forest Service, Latvijas Valsts Mezi, the Association of Private Forest Owners and WWF Latvia. It was decided to establish a working group to co-ordinate salvage operations.

The Latvian cabinet of ministers also introduced measures to facilitate the management of damaged woodland harvesting.

The forestry and service industries are holding weekly working group meetings to minimise the impact of salvage operations on the long-term development of forests and the development and operation of the Latvian forest industry.

As a result of discussions between the Latvian Forest Industry Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture and the forest owner organisations, it was agreed that supplies of timber from undamaged or less damaged forest would continue, as would hardwood supplies.

On current analysis it seems that harvesting and transportation capacity would be sufficient for salvage operations and to supply timber resources to the industry. Lately timber supplies from neighbouring countries have increased as well.

The Latvian Timber Exporters’ Association considers that all that is possible has been done to allow exporters to continue to supply the volume and quality demanded by trade contracts.

H Jordans

Executive director Latvian timber Exporters’ Association