I have just read with great sadness of the death of Bill Townsley.
I think I can speak for a generation of softwood men who knew, respected and very much liked Bill.
To many of your readers it may seem difficult to understand the importance of Canada, both east and west, to the timber trade, not only before but also during and after the second world war. This close collaboration of the great Dominion and ally ensured our access to vital supplies of timber in peace and war and this cannot be overstated.
Many of us worked in the sawmills of Canada and we learnt their grading rules and sawing methods to our great advantage. We were always made welcome; for some of us it was just one of the qualifications needed to be part of our industry. Here at home, the BCLMA co-operated in a most generous way, always available to solve any problems, and helping enormously in ongoing publicity for the timber industry.
For most of us Bill was the face of BC and represented the very best in a tradition of great Canadians doing a wonderful job. They were ably assisted by the High Commission in London. We may not see their likes again, or those circumstances again. Please let us pause and say – thank you.
David Haydock
Roger Haydock & Co Ltd