Orders placed at this year’s woodworking machinery exhibition, Ligna Plus 2005, were significantly up on the last show two years ago, according to organiser Deutsche Messe AG.
Visitor numbers at the event, which this year placed more focus on the skilled trades (wood craft), were also up to around 100,000, compared with 98,267 in 2003.
A Deutsche Messe spokesperson said: “The tangible ‘buyers’ market’ feeling at the show was obviously a major contributor to the buoyant mood felt all around the showgrounds.”
Around 25,400 trade visitors said they had already placed orders or firmly intended to do so, compared with 19,200 in 2003.
The number of professionals who consciously used the fair to initiate or finalise purchases rose by 59% to 21,600, while those who intended to close deals and place orders went up by 71%.
Foreign visitor numbers climbed to 43,600 from 40,100, while the exhibitor total was up by 136 to 1,857.
Ligna attracted about 16 UK exhibitors, including Wadkin UltraCare Ltd, Stenner, JJ Smith & Co Woodworking Machinery Ltd, Lancer Sideloaders and Postsaver.