Following its official launch in the Timber Zone, wood. for good says it is planning wider promotion for its new online timber training “Academy”.

The new subscription service is primarily targeting architects and specifiers, but is also seen to have potential for use by timber companies.

It was developed in association with online learning specialist Cortexa, which, according to managing director Mark Parrish, has 12,000 students across a range of industries using the courses it manages.

Wood. for good project director Tony Traynor said he was encouraged by Interbuild visitors’ response to the Academy.

“Now we’re considering a series of regional roadshows to really evangelise it,” he said. “In fact, we’ve already given two presentations to architects in Edinburgh with the permission of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland which regards the Academy as a very useful educational tool.”

The Academy currently covers three main topics: sustainability, construction performance and engineered wood, with timber in external use soon to be added.

Each module within the sections gives the user one hour of continuing professional development (CPD) and the site is interactive, sending out CPD certificates automatically when the module is successfully completed.

The content was developed in association with a number of organisations, including TRADA, the IWSc, and Timber Decking Association. It also has industry sponsors, including Timbmet.

The annual subscription for the academy is £45 for an individual student, with companies charged £120, plus £20 per student using the system.