Dust Control Systems has installed the Nordfab NF2000 filter unit, displayed at Woodmex 2000, at softwood timber importer and reseller Wood’s Timber Co of Hull.

The £40,000 filter brings the 130,000ft² site within current EPA guidelines and will handle around 110 tons of timber waste a month. The Nordfab has a capacity of 30,000m³ and a ‘Superbag’ filter element that allows warmed filtered air to be returned to the factory via clean air ductwork.

Wood’s Timber imports around 15,000m³ of softwood per year, 80% of which is secondary machined to manufacture architectural joinery.

Wood’s has three six-cutter moulders with two re-saws, a cross-cut and a vertical spindle moulder for the production of profiled architraves, handrails, beads, quadrants, door casings and window components.

Internal ducting serving the machines was upgraded last year and a new 30kW CombiFab fanset by Nordfab has been installed to support an existing 45kW belt driven fan.