Visitors to Coillte Panel Products’ stand were “astounded” by demonstrations of the durability of Medite Tricoya, the MDF panel made from wood fibre modified by Accsys Technologies via acetylation.

Matchbox-sized samples of Medite Tricoya bobbed around in glasses of water while a larger sample showed the effect – or, rather, the lack of it – of a year’s in-ground contact.

“It’s more durable than old-growth oak and teak and will enable the industry to find more exterior uses for MDF and wood generally,” said UK sales manager Malcolm Cowley.

Visitors to the stand included housing associations which were particularly interested in Medite Tricoya’s 50-year service life guarantee. “They’ve tended not to use wood in exterior applications because of maintenance issues, but Medite Tricoya overcomes those,” said Mr Cowley.

This was the first time Coillte Panel Products hosted its own stand at Ecobuild and Medite Tricoya had plenty of exposure elsewhere. Accsys Technologies’ own stand was adjacent and both DHH and Arnold Laver featured Medite Tricoya.

“We’ve also had the opportunity to promote SmartPly OSB, which was used extensively on the UK Green Building Council’s stand,” said Mr Cowley.