Maldene has expanded business by moving from pine furniture manufacture into the construction of bespoke oak, maple and beech face-frames for in-frame kitchen designs.

The cabinet-face-frame design of kitchens is increasingly popular, but many manufacturers struggle to perfect the series of jointed components and a badly constructed frame can compromise the whole product.

Maldene proprietor Steven Hall found the answer with the installation of a Hoffmann MU2 dovetail key router and a NLF Morso notch cutting guillotine for the accurate setting of haunch joints.

The combined use of the machines ensures accurately prepared sections with no need for hand finishing.

The process is carried out in three stages – the stiles of the frame are notched and the rails coped using the Morson NF range guillotine; the dovetail keyways are routed on the Hoffmann machine; glue is applied to the joints, the dovetail keys are inserted and the frame is ready for sanding.