Advanced laser technology has saved Dundee door manufacturing company McTavish Ramsay thousands of pounds.

The company manufactures more than 75,000 doors a year, many to special design. However, the design and production departments are in separate buildings 150m apart and design data was taking hours to transfer, holding up production and using a vast amount of landline time.

Now the company sends information in seconds over a secure, roof mounted laser link from Aberdeen-based Xtreme Business Solutions.

The LaserBit system transmits data between the buildings by laser beam using infrared light and the system can operate over up to 5km. As well as saving money, the system is virtually tapping or bugging-proof.

McTavish Ramsay director David Melville said: “Prior to the installation, communications between the two buildings were by email and fax. There have been significant savings as the running costs are negligible and installation took only one day with minimal disruption to production.”

Graeme Duncan, Xtreme’s managing director, said the LaserBit is ideal for companies whose buildings are scattered but in line of sight.

He added: “One of the great advantages is that it can be easily removed and used elsewhere, so if a company relocates the system can go with it.”

Prices for the LaserBit system range from £2,000 to £30,000.