The company said a number of AT systems had been ordered for their ability to reduce set-up times.

Antrim-based William Crawford Joinery has ordered a Masterwood Project 416 fitted with an AT, together with a range of Masterwood operating software for the production of stairs, windows and doors.

The joinery, which now has five Masterwood machines, said the AT and software will help it increase production by reducing set-up times.

Scottish general joiner and building contractor John R Craig, of Kintore, specified an AT for its new Atlas KL machine, while staircase specialist Riverside Joinery of Norwich has ordered an AT to go with a Project 5 five-axis machine.

“We need a five-axis machine so we can do more curved work on staircases with the accuracy provided by a CNC,” said Riverside managing director Jonathan King.

The AT arranges for the automatic and optimum positioning and re-positioning of clamps on the machining centre bed, so that all processing can take place on workpieces without any further manual handling required.

Masterwood UK managing director Russell Corlett said the AT system was well received at the recent Xylexpo show in Italy and would be on the company’s stand at the Working with Wood W6 exhibition at Birmingham NEC in October.