Three new shows have been launched for the logistics and handling market off the back of the success of IMHX 2007.
The series of regional shows will be staged under the Storage Handling Distribution (ShD) magazine brand, with ShD Scotland taking place at the SECCC in Glasgow on April 22-23, ShD South East at the Kent Showground in Maidstone on September 17 and ShD South West at the Westpoint Centre in Exeter on November 12.
Quartz, the organiser of IMHX, said that the decision to launch the shows was made due to the “buoyancy of the logistics market”. This is underlined by the fact that 55% of exhibition space at IMHX 2010 has already been sold.
Quartz added that exhibition space at the regional shows was limited and that “potential exhibitors are being encouraged not to delay in making a booking”.